We offer you the option of financing your purchases

A financial institution with extensive experience in Spain in granting consumer loans. Perform a simulation without any commitment.

We present three financing alternatives:

Financing in 12 months

Make your purchases and pay in 12 months.

Process to request financing for your payments

To finance your purchase, select the financing option during checkout. From there, follow the completely digital, fast and simple process. Sign your contract electronically using a PIN that you will receive on your mobile phone and upload the required documents in the same process.

Required documentation:

  • Double-sided ID or residence card (for foreign residents).
  • Proof of income (last pay slip for employees, last income tax return for self-employed or pension revaluation letter).
  • First page of the bank book or a direct debit receipt that includes the IBAN code (the contract holder must also be the holder of the bank account).

If you are an existing customer, you will only need your ID and your mobile phone. You will not have to fill out additional forms or send more documentation: the process is done with a single click.